January 31st 2019
6.15 pm, room IG 411, ground floor of the Main Building at Campus Westend of the Goethe University, Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1, 60323 Frankfurt
John Njenga Karugia researches on political and economic interactions between Asia and Africa. He has researched intensively on Chinese migration to Africa and African migration to China. His current research focuses on the Indian Ocean.
Karugia, Njenga John 2011: The Chinese in Tanzania: Migrants and Investors, in Duke East Asia Nexus Journal, Duke University, Durham.
Karugia, Njenga John 2010: Chinese Migration to Tanzania; Chinese Deaths and Chinese Experts Cemetery in Dar es Salaam Tanzania, in Afrika Tanulmanyok 2010. IV. Evfolyam, 1. szam.
Karugia, Njenga John 2009: China und Tansania – Chinesische Arbeiter, Chinesische Medizin und Chinesische Eisenbahn, Habari 4., Tanzania-Network e.V
Karugia, Njenga John 2009: Tansanias Erfahrungen mit chinesichen Arbeitgebern, Habari 4., Tanzania-Network e.V.
Karugia, Njenga John 2008: Africa Conflict Prevention: Early Warning and Early Response, A Critical Analysis of ECOWAS, IGAD, and SADC Systems, VDM Publishers, Saarbrucken.
Karugia, Njenga John 2008: Barack Obama, Jewish Gold, African Gods and Other Prose, Global Political Anthologies, BOD Publishers, Norderstedt.
Anyanwu, Rose-Juliet, Karugia John Njenga et. al 2007: Wittenberg Declaration for Entrepreneurial Spirit and Comparative Advantages in Africa, Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics, Wittenberg.
Juridicum, Postfach 21
Senckenberganlage 31
60325 Frankfurt
Tel.: +49 (0)69 798-25410
Fax: +49 (0)69 798-25411
January 31st 2019
6.15 pm, room IG 411, ground floor of the Main Building at Campus Westend of the Goethe University, Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1, 60323 Frankfurt
Afrasian Futures is a series of four cutting-edge lectures that mark the conclusion Africa’s Asian Options (AFRASO), a major transdiciplinary research project at Goethe University Frankfurt that has investigated transregional African-Asian interactions and entanglements since 2013.
We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming AFRASO Lecture: "Indians and Pakistanis in African Universities: The Cultural Politics of Postcolonial Knowledge-Production" by Shobana Shankar (AFRASO Fellow 2018). The lecture will take place on June, 21st in room SH 0.107 (Seminarhaus, Campus Westend) from 4 pm - 6 pm.