January 31st 2019
6.15 pm, room IG 411, ground floor of the Main Building at Campus Westend of the Goethe University, Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1, 60323 Frankfurt
Mamadou Diawara is professor for anthropology at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, founding director of Point Sud, Bamako. He is principal investigator at the Cluster of Excellence «Exzellenzcluster Normative Orders» and deputy director of the Frobenius Institut; member of the Council of the International African Institute, London, John G. Diefenbaker fellow an der Université Laval, Canada; Henry Hart Rice Professor for anthropology and history at the Yale Center for International and Area Studies, Yale University and ex-fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Germany.
2013 [eds. with Ute Röschenthaler] Staging the Immaterial: Intellectual Property, Piracy and Performance in sub-Saharan Africa. Wantage: Sean Kingston Publishing (forthcoming).
2010 Historical Memory in Africa. Dealing with the Past, Reaching for the Future in an Intercultural Context, Mamadou Diawara, Bernard Lategan, and Jörn Rüsen (Edited by), New York etc., Berghahn, 248 pages.
2008 Im Blick der Anderen. Auf ethnologische Forschung in Mali, Frankfurt, Brandes & Apsel.167 Seiten, Ute Röschenthaler et Mamadou Diawara (eds.).
2003 L’empire du verbe - L’éloquence du silence. Vers une anthropologie du discours dans les groupes dits dominés au Sahel. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.
(mit Ute Röschenthaler) Green Tea in the Sahel: The social history of an itinerant consumer good. In: The Canadian Journal of African Studies 46 (1): 39-64.
Die Jagd nach den Piraten. Zur Herausbildung von Urheberrechten im Kontext der Oralität im subsaharischen Afrika. In: Sociologus 61 (1): 69-89.
Development and administrative norms: The Office du Niger and decentralization in French Sudan. In: Africa 81 (3): 434-454.
Comment peut-on être auteur? De la création dans un contexte de tradition orale en Afrique subsaharienne. In: Justin Bisanswa (Hg.), Dire le social dans le roman francophone. Paris: Champion, 33-52.
The osmosis of the gazes: Anthropologists and historians through the prism of field work. In: Paul S. Landau (Hg.), The power of doubt. Essays in honor of David Henige. Madison: Parallel Press, 61-87.
Remembering the past, reaching for the future. Aspects of African historical memory in an international context. In: Mamadou Diawara, Bernard Lategan und Jörn Rüsen (Hg.), Historical Memory in Africa. Dealing with the Past, Reaching for the Future in an Intercultural Context. New York/Oxford: Berghahn, 88-103.
Pourquoi des musées? Mémoires locales et objets dans les musées africains. In: Isidore Ndaywel è Nziem und Elisabeth Mudimbe Boyi (Hg.), Images, mémoires et savoirs. Une histoire en partage avec Bogumil Koss Jewsiewicki. Paris: Karthala, 231-245.
Mobilizing Local Knowledge. In: Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal 27 (2): 225-236.
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January 31st 2019
6.15 pm, room IG 411, ground floor of the Main Building at Campus Westend of the Goethe University, Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1, 60323 Frankfurt
Afrasian Futures is a series of four cutting-edge lectures that mark the conclusion Africa’s Asian Options (AFRASO), a major transdiciplinary research project at Goethe University Frankfurt that has investigated transregional African-Asian interactions and entanglements since 2013.
We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming AFRASO Lecture: "Indians and Pakistanis in African Universities: The Cultural Politics of Postcolonial Knowledge-Production" by Shobana Shankar (AFRASO Fellow 2018). The lecture will take place on June, 21st in room SH 0.107 (Seminarhaus, Campus Westend) from 4 pm - 6 pm.